In this section, we will cover how you can change the profile picture of your instance.
To do this, simply send a PUT request to the following URL:
Base URL:
To authenticate the requests, you must include the API Key (apiKey) and the instance ID ID in the request header.
"apiKey": "Your API key here",
"id": "Your instance ID here"
The request body should be a JSON object with the following structure:
"image": "imageFile" // Send the image in the body
The API can respond with the following messages:
โ Success Response:
"200": { "success": "Image changed" }
} // Image changed successfully
โ Error: Image not found
"500": { "error": "No image provided. Please upload a file, send a Base64 string, or provide a URL." }
โ Error: Invalid image format
"500": { "error": "Image format error" }
โ Error: Instance not found
"400": { "error": "Instance not found" }
} // Check the instance data
In this section, we cover how you can enable automatic message reading on the Instance.
Send a POST request to the following URL to enable auto-read:
Base URL:
To authenticate the requests, you must include the API Key (apiKey) and the instance ID ID in the request header.
"apiKey": "Your API key here",
"id": "Your instance ID here"
The request body should be a JSON object with the following structure:
"read": true // Send true to enable auto-read and false to disable
The API may return the following responses:
Success Response:
"200": { "success": "Automatic reading Updated" }
} // Auto-read updated
Format Error:
"500": { "error": "Body in wrong format" }
} // Request body in incorrect format
Instance Not Found:
"400": { "error": "instance not found" }
} // Instance not found, check the data
In this section, we cover how you can change the name of your account on the Instance.
Send a POST request to the following URL:
This API allows you to change the WhatsApp profile name through a POST request.
Base URL:
To authenticate the requests, you must include the API Key (apiKey) and the instance ID ID (identification) in the request header.
"apiKey": "Your API key here",
"id": "Your instance ID here"
The request body should be a JSON object with the following structure:
"name": "Jonatan" // Send the new name for the account
The response can be one of the following messages:
Response 1 (Success):
"200": { "success": "Name Updated" }
} // Name updated
Response 2 (Body format error):
"500": { "error": "Body in wrong format" }
} // Request body in incorrect format
Response 3 (Instance not found):
"400": { "error": "Instance not found" }
} // Instance not found, check the data
In this section, we cover how you can change the description of your account in the Instance.
Send a POST request to the following URL:
Base URL:
To authenticate the requests, you must include the API Key (apiKey) and the instance ID ID (identification) in the request header.
"apiKey": "Your API key here",
"id": "Your instance ID here"
The request body should be a JSON object with the following structure:
"description": "This is my small store on WhatsApp"
The response can be one of the following messages:
Response 1:
"200": { "success": "Description Updated" }
} // Description updated
Response 2:
"500": { "error": "Body in wrong format" }
} // Incorrect body format
Response 3:
"400": { "error": "Instance not found" }
} // Instance not found, check the data
In this section, we cover how you can receive the QR-CODE of the Instance via the API.
Send a POST request to the following URL:
Base URL:
To authenticate the requests, include the API Key (apiKey) and the instance ID Id (identification) in the request header.
"apiKey": "Your API key here",
"id": "Your instance ID here"
You will receive the QR-CODE in response:
"200": { "success": "QR-CODE sent", "QR": "base64" } // Response in BASE64 format
If the instance is not found, you will receive the error below. Please check if the data is correct.
"400": { "error": "instance not found" }
In this section, we cover how you can disconnect the Instance via the API.
Send a POST request to the following URL to disconnect the WhatsApp instance.
To authenticate the requests, include the API Key (apiKey) and the Instance ID (id) in the request header.
"apiKey": "Your API key here",
"id": "Your instance ID here"
The API may return the following responses:
Instance disconnected:
"200": { "success": "instance disconnected" }
Instance was already disconnected:
"200": { "success": "instance was already disconnected" }
Instance not found:
"400": { "error": "instance not found" }
In this section, we cover how to check the status of the Instance via the API.
To get the instance status, send a POST request to the following URL:
To authenticate the requests, include the API Key (apiKey) and the Instance ID (id) in the request header.
"apiKey": "Your API key here",
"id": "Your instance ID here"
The API can return the following responses:
โ Instance is active:
"200": { "success": "Instance active" }
โ ๏ธ Instance is disconnected:
"200": { "success": "Instance inactive" }
โ Instance not found:
"400": { "error": "Instance not found" }